Ask your Questions on Orthodoxy….


This post is created for the readers to ask questions/doubts on orthodoxy. The questions can be posted in the comments column. If the users are not interested to post here, your questions can be sent to

4 thoughts on “Ask your Questions on Orthodoxy….

  1. I recently came across a blog post which questioned the relevance of the veil after the New testament. It mentioned how it was initially created to separate man from the Holy of Holies, but Christ through his crucifixion had destroyed this distance between man and God and hence the veil was no longer needed. That man did not need anyone to come between him and God now and he could reach him directly. But we still keep the old covenant and create a distance between us and God. We don’t allow ourselves to freely walk towards Him and partake in the new blessing He has left us with. Why do we still hold on to the veil? I need something concrete with respect to the New Testament specifically.


  2. Hi! This has been a nagging question for me and my friends. Is eternal life promised only to those who have received and known Christ? If yes, then does orthodox faith imply that God denies this gift of eternal life to mortal men just because they are born and brought up in a family that is not Christian? Let me illustrate.
    I(Almost any Christian) am(would be) a Christian owing to being born in a Christian family and nurtured in right faith. So, I’m sure now that any attempt to radicalise me to other religions will not work. But, if I were born in a Hindu family and suppose that I would have become so staunch a Hindu that I would quash any missionary attempt to convert me to Christian. In such a case, if I die without accepting Christ, Who accepts every good person irrespective of their nature(here, my religion), will not I be given a second chance?


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